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If you run several lengths close together, make them different sizes for the added effect of depth. Several sets at the front were lower cost Chicago stamped carry-overs, as were a 1938 die-cast, O scale B&O President class P-7 Pacific and 0-6-0 switcher. Prada Outlets Strasbourg France. Tires can be given a bulged or flattened appearance by placing them onto a hot iron, but this effect needs to be very subtle. If it is lying against a surface with no raised detail, don't waste time applying setting solution because there is nothing for the decal to conform to. Prada Outlets Strasbourg France. After laying the foil onto the surface, you can burnish it down with a soft cloth over your fingernail. Here’s a tip: Canopy framing is usually painted black, medium gray, or interior green on the inside. Prada Outlets Strasbourg France.