Prada Handbag Fall 2014

In addition, the black walkway areas also need painting as well as the areas that surround these on the lower wing. You shouldn’t be cutting through the paper — that much force may bend the edge of the image areas of the decal and cause the inks to crack and crumble away once dipped in water. Prada Handbag Fall 2014. Once they are positioned correctly and secured with pins, apply a tiny amount of super glue to each connection point with a small piece of wire. Paint residue inside the paint control valve, siphon tube, or at the bottom of the paint bottle aggravates clogging and can ruin subsequent color applications. Prada Handbag Fall 2014. Once you’ve got that beautiful shiny surface, wash the model with soap and water and a toothbrush. This book may not be reproduced in part or in whole without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations used in reviews. Prada Handbag Fall 2014.