Prada Purses Offers

If you use putty, apply it with a flat-tipped X-Acto blade and run the blade across the ejection mark to smooth it out as if it were super glue. Hold your hand about 3" in front of the airbrush and get an idea of the air flow pattern coming out of the nozzle. Prada Purses Offers. Rinse it under the tap, allowing the water to fill interior spaces and flow out every opening, Fig. Draw some shapes with a fine-point pen on thick stock paper, such as heavy bond typing paper, and practice cutting with both the scissors and the X-Acto blade. Prada Purses Offers. Use a small strip of sheet stock or a piece of scrap brass from a photoetched set to draw lines for framing on a curved surface. You will also need a contour gauge for making interior fuselage and wing bulkheads. Prada Purses Offers.