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While Saab has continued to seek potential customers for the Gripen over the last few years, the Flygvapnet have quietly brought their ‘own aircraft’ into front-line service. The final determination of the average estimated unit cost will be made at the time of delivery of the 24th example. Louis Vuitton Best Replica Bag. The modifications to these Lightnings were relatively minor, involving the partial removal of the armament, removal of the A1 radar and the fitting in its place of a Luneberg lens to increase the aircraft’s radar reflection. N3676 had 56 inch diameter Red/White/Blue/Yellow fuselage roundels in the 1-3-5-7 proportions and 84 inch diameter Red/Blue upperwing roundels. Louis Vuitton Best Replica Bag. Most of the decals I used, including all the roundels, fin flashes and stencilling, came from the Hasegawa kit, and were applied using Micro Sol and Micro Set. This crucial fuel was delivered in special 5 gallon drums accommodated inside the Stirling’s fuselage. Louis Vuitton Best Replica Bag.