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Start from one location, apply the Elmer's glue, let it dry, and glue the other end. Remove the complete headlamp assemblies and replace with the ones from the Tamiya Sergeant York kit, or scratch-build to match the Sergeant York type. Prada Bags In Australia. A clear overcoat not only produces the finish you want, but it also seals the decals on the model, Fig. If you decide to add them, cut them out one at a time on a glass surface with a sharp #11 X-Acto blade. Prada Bags In Australia. With practice and properly thinned paint, you’ll be able to create tiny dots such as these with a single-action airbrush. With the cessation of Gekko production, replacements were no longer to be expected end a gracual change to the Suisei was begun. Prada Bags In Australia.