Closeup of a positively charged penny. This is an effort to create cheap, handheld art that was easy to distribute with no feeling of loss. I am attempting to establish a positive current flow to the outside world, and create a net positive potential. Contact me if you want one and I will send them to you. rtwomey AT ucsd DOT edu The ‘+’ symbol of positivity is laid on top of the image of father figure Abraham Lincoln. Attempting to reframe the value of the penny, which seems in certain circuits to have become an expendable, valueless form of currency. (‘take a penny, leave a penny’ cups) This is a cheap on-hand material ready for revaluation. Does the simple act of marking by the artist alter the value of the raw material?
Thus far 750+ ions have been fabricated and distributed. I have not yet determined the quantity of charge / ion, to do the calculation of total potential manufacture.
Tracings of the positive ions–similar to other particle imaging methods. The positions and charges of individual particles are recorded with graphite rubbings on paper.
From left to right we have:
(1) Postive charges in a fully saturate drawing field.
(2) The transformation of the uncharged particle into the first positive ion form.
(3) Motion of a single particle through space.
(4) A local cloud of positive charge.
Next from the electricity lab is the creation of a symbolic voltmeter.