

Robert Twomey is an artist and engineer exploring poetic intersections of human and machine perception, particularly how emerging technologies transform sites of intimate life. He integrates traditional forms with new technologies to examine questions of empathy, agency, imagination and desire in human-computer interaction.

He has been an Artist-in-Residence at the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry (CMU), Nokia Bell Labs Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.), and a fellow with the NYC Media Lab x Bertelsmann AI and Creative Industries Challenge. He has presented his work at SIGGRAPH (Best Paper Award), CVPR, ISEA, NeurIPS, HRI, SLSA, the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, and has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the California Arts Council, Microsoft, Amazon, HP, and NVIDIA.

He received his B.S. from Yale University with majors in Art and Biomedical Engineering, his M.F.A. in Visual Arts from UC San Diego, and his Ph.D. in Digital Arts and Experimental Media from the University of Washington. He is an Assistant Professor with the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln—where he directs the Machine Cohabitation Laboratory (cohab-lab.net)—and is a visiting scholar with the Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination, UC San Diego.

CV (pdf)

Portfolio (pdf)

Contact robert [AT] roberttwomey.com

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