I’m excited to present at the UCSB Media Art and Technology (MAT) Seminar Series on May 1st:
Communion and Cohabitation
Recent advances in generative and perceptive AI have radically expanded the breadth, scope, and sophistication of human-machine interactions. Whether through creative co-production, confessional communion, or quantified selves under machine observation—we have invited ML systems to participate in our innermost spaces. In this talk I discuss my research into machine cohabitation, exploring the ways that we share space with these technological others. Spanning smart environments, robotic automation, data science, and real-time performance, my projects explore emergent technological possibilities while centering human dynamics of the interactions. Are these acts of high tech ventriloquism, psychological self-stimulation, mediumistic extensions of a creative unconscious, or collaborations with computational others? However we decide these questions of autonomy and agency, the value of these systems lie in what they reveal about human imagination and desire.
May 1, 1-2pm PDT. Zoom Link: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/9314307354
MAT Seminar Web Page https://seminar.mat.ucsb.edu/