All posts by Robert
generator / analyst
three mirrors
plans for a small installation consisting of a mirror, a see-through mirror (with camera), and a monitor: exploring perception and voyeurism through multiple interlocking circuits of gaze.
how to
trace an image
garbage cubes
waste data cds
[flatfile id=72157622439890658 limit=1]
need to make new cubes:
- waste bottles
- paper waste
- kitchen waste
and build a more formal garbage press.
[GENERATOR]:this, unfortunately…
You Are What You Read
Hoover Dam
Human perception / Machine Perception.
Simulating selective attention, focus, and saccadic motion of the eye.
Noun Phrase Analysis
word clouds assembling.
- nouns extracted from a database of studio text
- relatedness calculated with NLTK
- graphed with processing applet
Being Someone Else
This is the model for a new series of videos. In them, I use computer vision software to wear the faces of various influences and role models as a way of becoming like them. Monitors in the gallery will show the records of these multiple performance, collaging multiple layers of identity, expressing the desire to become someone else.