My work was featured in What Only Artists Can Teach Us About Technology, Data, and Surveillance, a long piece in The Stranger by Jen Graves.
Category Archives: News
Ann Hamilton @ the Henry
I’ve built the control system for Ann Hamilton’s Bullroarer installation at the Henry Gallery. This piece, with 21 independent mechatronic sound makers, is installed in the main space of the Museum for her show, Ann Hamilton: the common S E N S E, opening October 11th 2014.
Speaking at the Seattle Art/Tech meetup Sept 29
I’m one of the artists presenting at the Seattle Art/Tech meetup this coming Monday. Meeting at our freshly renovated Ballard Fab Lab (my summer time labor of love).
Drawing Event at the Burke Museum Oct 4th
I’ve helped organize an event at the Burke Museum on October 4th, The Big Draw, which will feature my Convex Mirror drawing machine as well as a number of NeoLucidas. Come by the Museum and draw; by hand, with the neolucida, or check out the drawing machine.
Convex Mirror Featured in UW College of Arts & Sciences video series
As part of a video series produced by the College of Arts & Sciences, graduate student Robert Twomey describes his piece, Convex Mirror, and reflects on how DXARTS is pushing the frontiers of art with unique combinations of art and science.
Work and Teaching Featured in Seattle Times

DXARTS (and my work and teaching) were featured in a long article by Seattle Times arts critic Michael Upchurch which appeared on the Sunday, March 23 issue of the Pacific Northwest Magazine.
Continue reading Work and Teaching Featured in Seattle Times
Storefronts Seattle Art Walk Jan 17
Convex Mirror at Storefronts Seattle
As part of Storefronts Seattle, I will install my Convex Mirror piece in downtown Seattle on the Amazon campus.
Location: Amazon C23 Harrison, in the central display window between Boren and the alley.
Installation: Nov 15, 2013 – Nov 13, 2013.
Exhibition: Nov 17, 2013 – February 14, 2014
Face Swap at Meany Hall
Speech Technologies Workshop, UNTREF
Talking To Machines
A short workshop introducing speech recognition and speech synthesis techniques for the creation of interactive artwork. We use pre-compiled open-source tools (CMU Sphinx ASR, Festival TTS, Processing, Python) and focus on the demonstrable strengths and unexpected limitations of speech technologies as vehicles for creating meaning.
Saturday Sept 21, 2-6pm Centro Cultural de Borges, UNTREF.
Masters Student Workshop, “Speech Technologies,” Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires, C.A., Argentina