Category Archives: News


I have  three pieces in the COMPASS 2007 show at UC Riverside / California Museum of Photography.


Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Noon—5 p.m.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Noon—5 p.m.

Location: UCR ARTSblock located in the 3800 block of Main Street, Downtown Riverside
Category: Exhibition

Description: Compass 2007: New Art from the University of California’s MFA Programs

Compass 2007 is a survey exhibition that will present work by art MFA students who will be graduating from UC Art Departments in June 2007. The eight out of the ten UC campuses with art departments that will be included are UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Los Angeles, UC Riverside, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, and UC San Diego. The exhibition will look at the impact of UC MFA programs, explore the differences and similarities between northern and southern California, and measure the influence certain faculty have on artistic production. Encompassing over 6000 square feet, the exhibition will be presented in both the UCR/California Museum of Photography and UCR Sweeney Art Gallery, two of three components that will form the newly created UCR ARTSblock, located on Main Street, a pedestrian walkway, in downtown Riverside. This will be the first exhibition in recent history to encompass all of the University of California’s art departments, and to build a bridge between northern, central, and southern California art scenes. Brochure and online catalogue will be available. Co-curated by UCR/California Museum of Photography Curator of Exhibitions, Ciara Ennis, and UCR Sweeney Art Gallery Director, Tyler Stallings. Compass: 2007 is organized by UCR ARTSblock.

Additional Information:

Open to: Public. ARTSblock hours: 12-5 Tuesday-Saturday. Open until 9 PM on the first Thursday of every month. Closed Sundays and Mondays.
Admission: Free
Sponsor: Sweeney Art Gallery

Contact Information:
Shane Shukis